
Using cliques to my advantage for small groups

I’m not really sure why many youth workers think cliques are such a bad thing. We all have friends that we’re closer to than others, we all have…

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Using Twitter in ministry

After hearing all the hype about Twitter I decided to check it out for myself. Honestly, it was largely disinteresting to me. I wasn’t quite sure what I…

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Freebie Friday #14: Christianity 101 Bible Lesson with PowerPoint

This week’s Freebie Friday comes from, an online resource that equips youth workers with training materials, new Bible lessons and…

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Why I invest the budget into volunteers

My church’s budget runs from July to June, so the new budget proposals from each ministry are due pretty soon. As I work on modifying the student…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

How to leave a ministry position and finish well

A friend of mine is leaving his youth ministry to attend seminary and asked this question on the Facebook group, Youth Pastors Only: As I prepare for a…

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Top 5 websites I use for youth ministry

1. This is seriously the best place to go if you’re looking for a resource of tried and true youth group games. You could play a different…

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Freebie Friday #13: Free seminary courses on iTunes

Covenant Theological Seminary has really gone out of their way to make their courses available online for free. I love it! Although I graduated from a different…

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What an accomplishment!

Woah, who would sign up to be the judge of this?!
(ht to “To know God less“)

read Read Time: 0 Minutes

Ebook Review: “How to build a Lasting Student Ministry”

Scott Aughtmon was nice enough to send me a copy of his new ebook, How to Build a Lasting Student Ministry, to review for you guys.
He starts by…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

Free small group curriculum: My life

People often ask what I use for my small group curriculum. The truth is, most of the time I use myself as the curriculum. Rather than coming to the group with…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes