
M.O.V.E. 2007 video

Last weekend Dana and I took two girls from our youth group to M.O.V.E. 2007 (Mission Outreach Venture Experience), an event where Evangelical Covenant youth…

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Freebie Friday #16: Visitor evaluation form

The Scenario
I think it’s important to be intentional about creating positive first impressions for visitors. Most people who enter a church for the first…

grab Read Time: 2 Minutes

Why do kids come to youth group?

Do they come to learn? To have a good time? To worship? To avoid homework?
Craig Groeschel, pastor of, posted some reasons why people come to…

read Read Time: 1 Minute

This is ridiculous!

Man, it’s the second week of April and it’s snowing again! What’s the deal with this crazy state? Minnesota is definitely not the same as…

read Read Time: 0 Minutes

Brainstorming for a Student Leadership Team

There are several students in my new youth ministry who are great leaders and man, I wanna make sure they get all the training and experience they need to serve…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

10 things that should be banned from youth ministry

I was thinking about this earlier and thought it might be fun to come up with a list of things that should be banned from youth ministry.

Sweatpants with…

read Read Time: 0 Minutes

Freebie Friday #15: “Deal or No Deal” youth group game

Whenever there’s an unusually large crowd in an unusually small space, game options are pretty limited. Fortunately, this Deal or No Deal Flash game can…

grab Read Time: 1 Minute

New research: PowerPoint hinders the learning process

University of NSW research shows the human brain processes and retains more information if it is digested in either its verbal or written form, but not both at…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

Defining success in youth ministry

Colossians 4:5, “Make the most of every opportunity.”
There’s been a lot of buzz spinning around the blogosphere lately about defining success…

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100 questions to ask parents

Here’s a list of some great questions to ask parents. Not sure what context I’d use them for, but it’s a good link to bookmark and hold on to…

read Read Time: 0 Minutes