
My “self-appraisal evaluation assesment”

Next week my church does their annual “employee self-appraisal and job assessments.” Even though I’ve only been here a little over two months…

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The Simpsons on American Idol

Man, I love this! When it came on American Idol tonight, Dana and I both laughed out loud!
[tags]American Idol, The…

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Summer heat challenges youth group dress codes

In an email to a couple youth pastors earlier this week, Matt Silver brought up a great question:
Do you guys do anything to address any kind of wardrobe…

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Using on my youth group’s website

We’re all used to the YouTube craze, but maybe there’s something new coming up: lets users broadcast live events over the web…

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Search for the greater things

“Life is way too short to waste time doing average things, since average things produce average results. I would rather search for the greater things in…

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Freebie Friday #17: “First Four Lunch” idea

This week’s Freebie Friday idea comes from Ben Kraker, a youth pastor in Elmira, Oregon. Thanks for submitting your idea, Ben!
In March and April I did an…

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Handling criticism in ministry

I know this is about a week old, but I just now went through my RSS reader and caught up with this post by Perry Noble. He did an excellent job of summarizing…

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Virginia Tech shootings: Small group video and discussion sheet

I just put together a quick video and small group discussion sheet for youth group tonight. Here it is for download in case any of your groups can benefit from…

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Pray for these three Virginia Tech campus ministry workers

Three students who graduated from PBU the year before me are serving at New Life Campus Fellowship, a campus church at Virginia Tech of about 1,000…

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Practical ideas for building relationships with your youth group

The comments of my earlier post, “Why do kids come to youth group?” generated a lot of good practical ideas for building relationships with the kids…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes