Make this a trend: Teach beyond behavior modification
The foundation of scripture is essential., but we have to start with scripture and wrap our lives around it, not the other way around.

Formulating contextualized visions and philosophies
Instead of copying another church’s vision, ministries are now formulating their own vision and philosophy of ministry, unique for their context.

12 months of devotions for youth workers [Freebie Friday]
Download 12 months of free devotions written by youth workers specifically to encourage youth workers in youth ministry.

A family-based approach to youth ministry
A trend in youth ministry is moving toward a family-based approach to youth ministry.

The role of the youth pastor is changing
A trend that seems to be taking place in youth ministry and directing its future is that churches are changing the role of the youth pastor.

Where youth ministry is going
What’s the future of youth ministry? Where is all this heading? Here are some trends that seem to give some direction.

Evangelism discussion questions for Nickelback’s...
Download this free small group discussion guide that accompanies Nickelback’s song, “Savin’ Me.”

Jesus relates to our ministry weaknesses [Time Out]
Sometimes we confuse sinlessness for perfection and think that Jesus was absolutely perfect in everything.

Free church postcards, logos, slides, and more! [Freebie Friday]
Download free graphics from a gallery of church postcards, logos, slides, and more from CreativeSwap.com!

Huge announcement for my website business, MinistryWebsites.biz
After serving churches and ministry organizations through MinistryWebsites.biz, Immerseme is acquiring it!