
Two recent customer service stories

DISCLAIMER: I realize this is totally outside the usual scope of my blog and most readers aren’t interested in this kinda stuff, but I still felt like…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

How can I know what to teach next?

What suggestions do you have for this fellow youth worker?
A Life In Student Ministry reader submitted this question:
“Sometimes when I’m praying…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

Imitation is not always flattery

I was listening to Hoobastank in the car yesterday and the chorus to “First of Me” made me think about the approach many youth pastors take in youth…

read Read Time: 1 Minute

Education needs to be re-educated

I’ve been frustrated with our Christian educational system since I was in elementary school. Now, as an adult, I understand it a little better and know…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

Interview: Analysis of blogs written by pastors

A couple weeks ago I got an email from a Journalism graduate student at the University of Kansas. She’s conducting an analysis of blogs written by pastors…

read Read Time: 0 Minutes

Thinking Blogger Award

Looks like I was tagged by Brian Eberly with the “Thinking Blogger Award.” Thanks, Brian! Now I’m supposed to tag 5 more bloggers who cause me…

read Read Time: 1 Minute

Freebie Friday #20: Free chapter, “Grow, Minister and Lead”

After my release of 130 Youth Ministry Tips & Ideas last week, Bill Allison of Cadre Ministries sent me a copy of his ebook, titled, “Grow, Minister…

grab Read Time: 2 Minutes

Ezra’s “Doh!” moment

Last week I was reading from Ezra. Chapter 8, verse 22 made me chuckle because it sounds just like something I would do. It says this:
And there by the Ahava…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

Balancing office administration with building relationships

Even though I haven’t been in my new youth ministry position for even three months yet, this time of year is when my church does their annual reviews for…

read Read Time: 4 Minutes

Keeping the vision in sight, literally

Not much is worse than loosing sight of the vision for ministry. Ministry easily becomes wrapped up in the repetitive administrative tasks and slowly warps from…

read Read Time: 1 Minute