
A welcomed interruption in my office

A little bit ago a high school student stopped by my office at church wanting information about our youth group and how she can get involved. I’ve never…

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My evangelism stinks

I read Ezekiel 33 this morning and was pretty convicted:
Once again a message came to me from the Lord: “Son of man, give your people this message:…

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First time to water ski on our lake

One of the cool things about the lake house we’re renting is that half of the other houses on our lake are owned by people in our church. Dana and I…

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Text messaging youth group t-shirts

Rethinking Youth Ministry posted about a resource called Reactee that prints t-shirts like this:

This is a great idea! Looks to me like Reactee is just using…

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Freebie Friday #24: “Evangelism for my life” teaching series

This week guest blogger Brett Hetherington, of Confessions of a Human Being, graciously supplies this fantabulous resource. Seriously, this guy made a huge…

grab Read Time: 2 Minutes

How to build an interactive youth group website

I started writing this as a reply to Courtney’s comment on my previous post about my youth group’s website, but it got pretty long and I thought…

read Read Time: 5 Minutes

My new youth group website is live!

Whew! I’ve built a lot of websites, but none quite this interactive and intricate. After 6 weeks of coding, there’s still a lot of work to do, but…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

My blog is officially transfered

A couple days ago I announced that I was planning to migrate my blog to virtual private server. It took me Friday night and all day Saturday and it’s…

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Creating intergenerational church services

I’ve heard this comment several times from students: “Church just isn’t for me.” In my mind, my immediate response is…

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Freebie Friday #23: Free youth group contact management tool

Josh of Youth Hacks wrote up a great summary on using Highrise in youth ministry and agreed to cover it here at Life In Student Ministry as a guest blogger…

grab Read Time: 2 Minutes