
The most critical component of ministry

The longer I’m involved in vocational ministry, the more I’m convinced that ministry is should never be done from a Bible college or seminary…

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Two approaches to youth ministry

I saw this over on
The traditional style of youth ministry is to have a youth pastor and a few sponsors run a youth group. They meet…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

Xtreme Youth Alliance launches tomorrow!

Some of you may remember back to my post that tried to help a friend of mine, Bill Scott, come up with a name for his new ministry. Well, he settled on Xtreme…

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Freebie Friday #26: Six months of free youth ministry resources

Today marks half a year of Freebie Friday, free youth ministry resources, ideas and materials offered from Life In Student Ministry every week. I still remember…

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Two year anniversary of this blog

Woah, that came up fast! I just read my one year anniversary post and a lot has changed since then.
Last Year
This time last year I recorded 30,000 visitors for…

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Directing an Angel Tree camp this week

What We’re Doing
For several years now I’ve taken a week every summer to fly up to New Jersey and direct a camp for inner-city Angel Tree children…

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My podcast is now available in iTunes

Apple just sent me the approval email saying that my podcast has been reviewed and is now included in iTunes. If you have iTunes installed on your computer, you…

listen Read Time: 0 Minutes

Developing leaders vs. developing followers

Nigel Coates, a youth worker in Great Britain, posted a great chart comparing leaders that develop followers and leaders that develop leaders. He says this:

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Listen to my first podcast: Micah 2

Long-time readers of my blog may remember back to August of last year when I first announced my upcoming podcast. Unfortunately, life quickly changed and forced…

listen Listen Time: 6 Minutes

Freebie Friday #25: Dare 2 Share freebies

This week I wanna give a shout out to my man Greg Stier and his ministry, Dare 2 Share. Some may think that is only a promo for…

grab Read Time: 2 Minutes