Impress teens with your church business card
Most teenagers don’t care about my business card. How many youth pastors actually use their cards anyway? (I have yet to get a free lunch from a…

The Church Office – youth ministry episodes
Saw these over on Steve’s blog and thought they were funny! Then I noticed on YouTube that these videos have already circulated and that I’m kinda…

Freebie Friday #29: Lesson and PowerPoint on imitating Christ
Sorry this is so late, guys! I dunno why it didn’t automatically post like it was supposed to. Better late than never, huh?
My brother, Dan Schmoyer…

Lots of great youth ministry posts lately
It’s been a while since I’ve gone through my RSS reader since I’ve been out of town for a couple weeks, but today I caught up a little and saw…

Home from vacation, pictures posted
Dana and I are home from vacation and ready to get back into a routine. It was nice to visit her family and old friends of ours in Texas, but it’s also…

Youth workers: Win a $20 iTunes gift card
The drawing
For the next three weeks, send me your Freebie Friday donations and be entered into a drawing to win a $20 iTunes gift certificate. Thanks to a…

Freebie Friday #28: “Why Encourage” lesson with PowerPoint
Once again, I dug through the archives on my computer to find something to give away this week and came up with this old lesson titled, “Why…

Steve Jobs on youth ministry
While flying into Dallas last Saturday, I watched a recent interview on my laptop between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates at the All Things Digital conference. During…

Angel Tree camp over, now on vacation
We’re finally back from our trip to New Jersey where we put on a camp for inner-city Angel Tree children and I have to say, my youth group kids did an…

Freebie Friday #27: Three camp Bible study lessons
Last week I directed a camp for inner-city Angel Tree children in New Jersey and took nine of my youth group students along to serve as counselors. Part of…