Think before you post
I saw these videos a while back on Jeff’s blog and tucked ’em away for future reference to use with my youth group kids. Good reminder for myself…

My review of The Simpsons Movie
As someone who usually enjoys The Simpsons on TV, the movie wasn’t quite as good as I hoped. In fact, I was little disappointed. It had all the normal…

Freebie Friday #31: Download free movie clips for teaching illustrations
A long time ago I stopped using movie DVD clips for lesson illustrations. It was always such as hassle to queue it to the right spot, hope that the DVD player…

I’m sharing my entire iTunes library with you
Well, not yet I’m not, but I’m using Simplify Media‘s little application that lets me share share my entire iTunes library over the Internet…

I hate these conversations
#1. Adult: “Oh, you work with teenagers. That’s nice. So, how long are you gonna do that before you start a career?” (Translation: Youth…

My wedding video
For our one year wedding anniversary, I made a nice DVD of our wedding for my wife. A guy from my father-in-law’s church who shoots and edits TV…

Podcast: One year wedding anniversary
This Sunday is my one year wedding anniversary! In this podcast I quickly recap our past year, ministry together, a conversation I could’ve had before…

Freebie Friday #30: Daily online Bible studies for teens via email and...
As some of you know, I’m heading up the daily email Bible studies for Xtreme Youth Alliance, Bill Scott’s new ministry. The ministry just launched a…

Angel Tree Camp Video
In June I posted about a camp some kids in my youth group and myself were gonna put on for some inner-city Angel Tree children. Then earlier this month I posted…