
I’m the 9th most popular Tim on Google

My blog stats are so funny sometimes. People find me through all sorts of random search queries ranging from…

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A Christian music jukebox for my youth group’s website

My youth group has been a subscriber of Interlinc for several years now, so they’ve accumulated quite a large Christian music library. It used to be made…

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Great posts to check out (vol. 2)

10 ways to entertain young children for $1 or less without the TV (Funny, all of them will entertain me for hours, too!)
Things to look for in youth ministry…

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A hassle-free solution for backing up your data

When I posted about Simplify Media, the free service for sharing iTunes libraries online with friends, it seemed to be a big hit. I actually used the service…

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Ten commandments for surviving in youth ministry (3 of 10)

3. Thou shalt always publicly respect and support your church’s leadership. After all, you’re on the same team shepherding the same group of people…

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I finally received my invitation to!

Woo hoo! I was a long time subscriber to Rhapsody’s music service until last night. My wife and I are getting serious about eliminating all debt, so…

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Freebie Friday #32: Communicating with teenagers seminar for parents

This week’s Freebie Friday is graciously provided by Brett Hetherington. Thanks, Brett! If you love his material as much as I do, be sure to check out his…

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Ten commandments for surviving in youth ministry (2 of 10)

2. Thou shalt regularly meditate on my Word. The word “meditate” makes a lot of us uncomfortable because of the religious Eastern overtones, but we…

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The $20 iTunes gift card drawing

Thanks to everyone who submitted Freebie Friday resources and entered their names for the $20 iTunes gift card drawing. Rather than just telling you who won or…

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Ten commandments for surviving in youth ministry (1 of 10)

1. Thou shalt pray daily. Pray for personal issues, the ministry, your pastor, students, humility and wisdom. It’s absurd to think that we can effectively…

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