
Ten commandments for surviving in youth ministry (7 of 10)

7. Thou shalt communicate as often as possible. Informed people are usually supportive people. Communicate well and often with your Sr. Pastor, other staff…

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Jr. High Trip: MUUUCE 2007

Dana and I just got back from spending a great weekend with a bunch of our jr. high kids at an annual event called M.U.U.U.C.E. (Most Ultimate Unbelievable…

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Ten commandments for surviving in youth ministry (6 of 10)

6. Thou shalt evaluate criticism said privately in love. Many people can see things you can’t and have great insight into the ministry. Take heed and…

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Freebie Friday #34: Or is it Freebie Monday?

Actually, it’s both. I’ve been doing Freebie Fridays here for a while now, but Adam Mclane also gives away free youth ministry stuff every Monday…

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Censorship versus enforcing rules

Last week Ypulse posted an article about AT&T censoring a webcast with the band Pearl Jam due to some of their political statements. I guess it makes sense…

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Great posts to check out (vol. 3)

1. Attention Youth Ministers – Don’t get up on the Deep End (Some great encouragement for youth pastors)
2. Tips for starting a worship band (Good…

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Ten commandments for surviving in youth ministry (5 of 10)

5. Thou shalt invest into students lives on an individual basis. Don’t assume someone else is doing it or that the student doesn’t really want it…

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Freebie Friday #33: Event flyer checklist

Ever distribute promotional materials only to realize too late that you forgot to include a vital piece of information? Here’s a checklist that will…

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My problem with outreach events…

…is that they’re rarely an outreach. I plan something fun, exciting, promote it as an evangelistic event and encourage students to bring their…

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Ten commandments for surviving in youth ministry (4 of 10)

4. Thou shalt get to know parents. The more respect and trust the parents have for you, the more you’ll be able to do (and get away with!) in ministry…

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