How to hide your big ring of youth group keys
When I became the youth pastor at my church, they handed me a big ring of about 15 keys to doors, rooms and closets all over the church. Being a guy who likes…

Free ebook: “ER for Youth Ministry” from Group Publishing
For one week only, download Group Publishing’s “ER Handbook for Youth Ministry.” It normally costs $14.99, but for one week only they’re…

Freebie Friday #38: Post-modernity seminar for adults and leaders
Another Freebie Friday graciously provided by Brett Hetherington. Thanks again, Brett! If you love his material as much as I do, be sure to check out his site…

Great posts to check out (vol 4)
Why college students have sex (It’s more about lust than about love. CNN video here.)
Where do you get your creative ideas from? (Perry Noble talking…

“Volunteers” versus “Ministry partners”
Bill Allison of Cadre Ministries really does an awesome job with all the materials he generates for training and equipping volunteers for ministry. I learn a…

How to grow a youth group
1. Be passionate about your own personal relationship with Christ.
2. Develop and train volunteers who are also passionate about their relationship with…

Teaching video clip on Owen Wilson’s attempted suicide
I saw this news clip on YouTube about Owen Wilson’s recent suicide attempt. There’s a lot of good comments in this clip by (assumed) unbelievers…

Make free ringtones from music on your computer
A student in my brother‘s ministry introduced him to Phonezoo.com, who in turn showed it to me. It’s a pretty slick site! Create an account, upload…

Freebie Friday #37: Photo scavenger hunt sheet
This week’s Freebie Friday is donated by Chris Wheeler, the Youth and Family Director at First UMC in Kennett, Missouri. I can tell she put a lot of work…

I’m running on a treadmill that moves faster than I can run
Can I be honest for a second? (Of course I can, it’s my blog.) My church launches all our fall ministry programs this Sunday morning and I still…