Favorite Youth Group Games #1: Wawa Man
Outdoor Game; All Ages; 20-30 kids
Wawa Man is probably one of my all-time favorite games! It’s a combination of Football and Capture The Flag rolled…

100 blog topics I hope YOU write
The Internet is loaded people who have great insight and understanding in the field of youth work and I’d love to somehow capture a lot of that wisdom in…

My core values of blogging
Today I went through my RSS reader and cleaned out a bunch of blogs and sites I no longer read. (I’m under 100 feeds now! Woo hoo!). As I removed many RSS…

Favorite Youth Group Games series
I love youth group games! I start every large-group youth meeting with some sort of game or fun activity and sometimes end with one, too. They generate…

Video sites that are better than YouTube
I’ve been using YouTube to host a lot of my online videos, but I’m always disappointed with the video quality it renders when compared with my…

Freebie Friday #39: See You At The Pole training session for students
Every time Bill Allison of Cadre Ministries offers free resources for youth workers, it’s always a goldmine for the rest of us. Thanks, Bill! Here’s…

Small group video promo: 24 spoof
I would LOVE to make video promos like this for my youth stuff!
(ht to YMExchange)

Forming ministry out of identity, not function
My church is going through the whole vision casting thing right now. Our current vision is pretty old and no longer reflects who we are. We’ve been…

This video reminds me why I’m in youth ministry
If this video doesn’t light a fire under you butt to impact teenagers for Christ, I don’t know what…

Sundays drain me
I dunno what it is about Sundays, but they leave me totally wiped out on Mondays. Maybe it’s because Sundays keep me running around all day long. Maybe…