
Freebie Friday #41: How to prepare your high school seniors for college

Ryan Weaver, a youth pastor in Maryland, graciously provides today’s Freebie Friday. He has a great idea here about how to prepare seniors for life after…

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My first youth ministry Facebook application

It’s finally up and running and ready for public consumption! I created a Facebook application called, Life in Student Ministry Reader. Basically…

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Random personal updates

September was mine and Dana’s first month living on a written budget. We’re following Dave Ramsey’s financial plan to eliminate debt and save…

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A little change in plans at youth group tonight

Yesterday morning I found out that Shane & Shane and Bebo Norman were coming to our church tonight night to perform. Normally that wouldn’t be a big…

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How to keep up with a growing youth group: You can’t!

A month ago I wrote about how our youth ministry and our church in general are numerically growing like crazy. As the trend continues, I’m quickly being…

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We underestimate the influence of video games

I’m a pretty active gamer. I can’t afford to play all the latest video games as they come out nor do I even want to anyway, but I do have a couple…

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Great posts to check out (vol 5)

100 blog topics I hope you write
(A lot of people have taken this challenge and posted great articles on youth ministry. Check it out to see what people are…

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Some of my favorite blogs

With almost 100 blogs in my RSS reader, I skim through a lot of material on a regular basis. All of it is good stuff, which is why I subscribed to the sites in…

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130 Youth Ministry Tips & Ideas ebook now in German

Wow, I never thought this would happen to anything I write! Waldy Schröder, a youth worker in Germany, took my free ebook, “130 Youth Ministry Tips…

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Freebie Friday #40: Free ebook on how to lead Bible studies

I’d like you to meet Grahame Knox, a brand new youth ministry blogger from the UK. Although he just entered the blogoshere this month, he’s been in…

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