Freebie Friday #41: How to prepare your high school seniors for college
Ryan Weaver, a youth pastor in Maryland, graciously provides today’s Freebie Friday. He has a great idea here about how to prepare seniors for life after…

My first youth ministry Facebook application
It’s finally up and running and ready for public consumption! I created a Facebook application called, Life in Student Ministry Reader. Basically…

Random personal updates
September was mine and Dana’s first month living on a written budget. We’re following Dave Ramsey’s financial plan to eliminate debt and save…

A little change in plans at youth group tonight
Yesterday morning I found out that Shane & Shane and Bebo Norman were coming to our church tonight night to perform. Normally that wouldn’t be a big…

How to keep up with a growing youth group: You can’t!
A month ago I wrote about how our youth ministry and our church in general are numerically growing like crazy. As the trend continues, I’m quickly being…

We underestimate the influence of video games
I’m a pretty active gamer. I can’t afford to play all the latest video games as they come out nor do I even want to anyway, but I do have a couple…

Great posts to check out (vol 5)
100 blog topics I hope you write
(A lot of people have taken this challenge and posted great articles on youth ministry. Check it out to see what people are…

Some of my favorite blogs
With almost 100 blogs in my RSS reader, I skim through a lot of material on a regular basis. All of it is good stuff, which is why I subscribed to the sites in…

130 Youth Ministry Tips & Ideas ebook now in German
Wow, I never thought this would happen to anything I write! Waldy Schröder, a youth worker in Germany, took my free ebook, “130 Youth Ministry Tips…

Freebie Friday #40: Free ebook on how to lead Bible studies
I’d like you to meet Grahame Knox, a brand new youth ministry blogger from the UK. Although he just entered the blogoshere this month, he’s been in…