Freebie Friday #42: Lesson series based on Heros tv show
Today’s Freebie Friday is provided by Jason Curlee, a youth pastor in Corpus Christi, Texas. Check out his blog at Making Difference Makers.

Teen Internet Workshop for Parents video promo
This is the promo video I made for the Teen Internet Workshop for Parents that will run in church services and be sent around online in various ways…

Top 10 things you don’t want to hear from your youth pastor
I have a 6-month premium subscription to Sky.fm to give away to whoever comes up with the funniest line for this list. I am the only judge, so even if no one…

Favorite Youth Group Games: Chuck the Chicken
Indoor Game; All Ages; 12 or more kids
This is a fast, active game that works better with larger groups (12 or more people) and needs a fair amount of space…

Should youth groups play Halo?
By now most of you have seen the the New York Times article, Thou Shalt Not Kill, Except in a Popular Video Game at Church. I was actually contacted by the…

Links and posts to check out (vol 6)
Breaking the ice – using icebreakers in small groups
(Grahame writes about using icebreakers in small groups and as group building/participation…

How to confront a student
This recently came up in our youth ministry and forced me to think through it rather quickly. What’s the best procedure for confronting a student…

Don’t focus on your weakness
People say that you need to focus on your weaknesses so you can develop them to be stronger. I disagree. Don’t focus on your weaknesses; focus on your…

I almost forgot to pray
The first Sunday of every month the youth pastors in our town (collectively called “Allies”) put on an event called Burning Bush. It’s a time…

Another Dove video on self-image for girls
Dove released another video for their “Campaign for Beauty” addressing the distorted perception our culture pushes of what beauty is all about. See…