
Watch Teen Internet Workshop LIVE on

In case you missed it, two weeks ago I posted that I will be teaching a parent workshop on November 6 about Facebook, Myspace, YouTube, Instant Messenger, World…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

Panel discussion on teen Internet use

This is phenomenal. I learned so much from this Congress panel discussion on teenagers’ use of the Internet, its dangers and how we should address them…

read Read Time: 1 Minute

Toyota advertising with World of Warcraft commercial

If you read my earlier post this month about how we underestimate video games and dismissed it, marketing companies haven’t. They understand the influence…

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Internet tools I use in ministry (1 of 6):

There’s a lot of different tools out there for organizing tasks, reminders and to-do lists, and I know almost everyone has a different method of keeping…

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Freebie Friday #43: Free PowerPoint and MediaShout backgrounds for worship

Stevan Sheets, a youth pastor in Wisconsin, sent me 20 worship background images for use in PowerPoint and MediaShout. He created each of them himself is happy…

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How to create a Facebook application for your youth group news or blog

Results of my blog’s Facebook application
Two weeks ago I announced my first Facebook application, a simple RSS reader that streams my latest blog posts…

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Great links to check out (vol 7)

A collection of great links and posts from around the Internet: Volume 7.

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Students want quality time more than anything else

More than anything else, students want people to spend time with them.
A bunch of my youth group kids took an online love language test I posted on our youth…

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Favorite Youth Group Games: Mattress Surfing

Indoor Game; All Ages; 10 or more kids
We just played this last night at Sr. High youth group and had a blast! Split everyone into teams of 5-8 kids and give…

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Tim’s dating advice for Christian students

Here’s some advice I have that usually comes up during a discussion with a student about their dating relationships.

read Read Time: 2 Minutes