
Freebie Friday #54: CSI Crime Scenes from the Bible

Paul Turner, a youth ministry veteran of over 20 years, graciously provides this week’s Freebie Friday resource. He’s written two CSI style…

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Looking back on “Life in Student Ministry” in 2007

Growth in 2007
Every year I’m surprised by the growth taking place here at Life in Student Ministry. It’s very humbling that people would actually…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

New resource to evaluate video games

I love video games, especially when I play with other students and everyone’s only goal becomes to beat their youth pastor! I tend to have at least an…

read Read Time: 1 Minute

Freebie Friday #53: Bible study talk sheet for athletes

As I continue to help coach the public high school’s wrestling team this year, I was given the opportunity a couple weeks ago to lead a short optional…

grab Read Time: 3 Minutes

What I learned about ministry in 2007

1. When leaving a youth ministry position, make it quick. At least for my position, a 6 week notice was too long. Four weeks would’ve probably been about…

read Read Time: 1 Minute

Freebie Friday #52: One year of free youth ministry resources!

Wow, one entire year of free weekly youth ministry resources, ideas and materials! And the best part about it is that it’s not all my stuff! I love the…

grab Read Time: 2 Minutes

The ideal youth ministry starts with the ideal leader

Who you are in ministry should determine what you do in ministry, but unfortunately a lot of us get that backwards.

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

My FREE iPod Touch arrived! Now for a free iPhone

Last month I posted about how I got a free Xbox 360 Elite and told you I was going to go for the 16GB iPod Touch next with the same company. Well, today my FREE…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

Various new blog features being added

I have about six new ministry web projects in mind that I’m working on, ranging from online small groups for youth workers to community book studies to…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

Freebie Friday #51: Christmas Jeopardy game

Earlier this week Paul Martin sent me a great resource he made to freely share with you all: Christmas Jeopardy! It’s a Flash game, which means you can…

grab Read Time: 1 Minute