Ideas for your church website
Every couple weeks I get an email from someone asking me to check out their new church website. Most of the time they only want to show it off and receive a pat…

A plan for helping parents reach their teenagers
Here’s a sample plan a youth ministry might use for partnering with parents to impact their teens for Christ.

Time Out: Running on an empty tank
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Sometimes when I’m busy driving errands around town I put off things that feel like a hindrance, like putting gas in the car…

Freebie Friday #59: Lesson outline on Defining Discipleship
One of the things I love about doing Freebie Friday every week is that it often forces me to dig back into my computer’s archive of lessons, games, and…

What parents’ actions often teach kids about God
Actions speak louder than words. Whether parents like it or not, kids see the priorities and values they set for the family and it makes a difference on how…

Favorite Youth Group Games: Twinkie Challenge
Ben Schnipper of Mexico, Missouri submitted this game. Sounds hilarious! Thanks, Ben!
Indoor Game; All Ages; 10 or more kids
Supplies: Twinkies, babyfood, food…

Time Out: The Goal is Love
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
It’s important to have goals for your youth ministry. Although they may encompass many things, is one of the main ones to…

Freebie Friday #58: Growing in Christ lesson and PowerPoint
Here’s a lesson I wrote a couple years ago about growing in Christ, based on Philippians 1:1-11. The main idea is that life transformation is possible…

Navigating the church system (5 of 5): Common mistakes by youth pastors
No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, but, as youth pastors, we seem to error in a couple common ways.
1. Only listening to the innovators. As I…

Navigating the church system (4 of 5): Understanding the adoption curve
In 1950 a group of television producers funded a research project to evaluate the effectiveness of TV commercials. Part of the project’s findings…