Youth ministry news and links to check out: 4-09-08
Become a guest blogger for Life in Student Ministry
I’m always looking for people to bring new experiences and fresh perspectives to Life in Student…

Two great evangelism training tools for your youth group
I don’t blog advertisements…
Anyone who’s been around Life in Student Ministry for a little while knows that I almost never write product…

Time Out: A Job or a Lifestyle?
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Getting paid to do what you love is a real privilege and blessing. Every once in awhile I awaken to my own awesome opportunity of…

Freebie Friday #67: Free worship song download with chord sheet
Here’s a resource unlike one I’ve ever offered or mentioned here at Life in Student Ministry. The worship director at my father-in-law’s…

8 ways to enhance your PlugRug experience
PlugRug.com is taking off! With several hundred visitors every day, it’s quickly becoming a great place to collaborate around some of the best ministry…

Why I don’t make announcements at youth group
I choose not to take time at youth group to make announcements. Here’s how I communicate news and why.

Where to connect with me
As new readers join the blog, I’d like to remind you all about how you can connect with me outside of this site. I know everyone has their preferred…

Time Out: Ministry’s #1 Responsibility
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
When God rates the requirements of those who serve Him, He elaborates on one characteristic specifically and explains it in more…

Freebie Friday #66: Final Four “Mall Madness” ideas
Ok, so this has nothing to do with basketball or even sports in general, but whatever — that’s still what I call it when I play these four games…

Youth ministry news and links to check out: 03-27-2008
PlugRug around the web:
— My post about PlugRug from earlier in case you missed it.
— Brandon has a nice summary of it here.
— Jordan covers…