Freebie Friday #70: How To Study The Bible devotionals for teenagers
Earlier this week I mentioned that I’m currently doing a series with my youth group called, How To Study The Bible. I can’t share my notes or…

Youth ministry’s contribution to the missing 20-somethings
We’ve all heard the dilemma about the missing 20-something-year-olds from our churches: students graduate high school, go on to college and don’t…

An open letter to all youth group parents
There, I said it — everything you’d like to say to parents, but don’t have the freedom or guts to express.

Time Out: If the senior pastor isn’t perfect
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Many youth workers seem to have a love-hate relationship with their senior pastor. While respecting and admiring him/her as their…

“Expelled” almost expelled me from the theater
There’s been a lot of hype over this movie, especially among conservatives who felt like they would finally have a voice on the big screen. Normally…

Friday Freebie #69: Discussion starters about prayer
Grahame Knox, a veteran youth worker in the U.K., sent me a copy of his Prayer Discussion Starters to check out and share with you guys. It’s actually…

Lies we believe in youth ministry
1. “Eh, it’s good enough.”
This is not an appropriate attitude to have toward your ministry! You should never look at a Bible lesson, worship…

Spiritual Growth: shifting my approach to youth ministry
Kids come because they want to be deeply challenged in their faith…

Time Out: Handling Conflicts
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Even though we will do almost anything to avoid conflict, sometimes conflict arises no matter what we do. It may be a problem…

Freebie Friday #68: 3 discipleship lessons, includes follow-up plan
Paul Turner of The Disciple Project Ministries donates this week’s Freebie Friday by providing a 3-part small group study he wrote for one of their…