Freebie Friday #72: Pseudonyms youth group icebreaker
A huge thanks to Jake Bouma for donating today’s Freebie Friday! He created an icebreaker called “Pseudonyms” that encourages kids to be…

My response to Dare 2 Share’s “Deep & Wide”...
A while ago Greg Stier told me to check out the Deep & Wide ministry strategy and asked me to share my thoughts with him. I honestly put it off for a while…

Talk with me and other youth workers LIVE this Friday
If you’re a fan of the Life In Student Ministry Facebook page or if you follow me on Twitter, you saw me mention an open youth ministry round-table…

Favorite Youth Group Games: Bean Boozled
Indoor Game; All Ages; 4 or more kids
We played this a couple weeks ago in both our Jr. High and Sr. High ministries. The facial expressions and reactions are…

Time Out: Flee the sinful desires of youth
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
No one can deny that we live in a very sensual, sex-saturated world. Visual images abound. Our computers and TV bring them right…

Freebie Friday #71: 130 MORE youth ministry tips and ideas
This week marks one year since I released my free ebook, 130 Youth Ministry Tips and Ideas. It’s full of mistakes to avoid, possible changes to implement…

Facebook app: Daily bible studies for teens
About a year ago many of you shared your ideas for naming a new international youth ministry by my friend Bill Scott (founder of the former radio ministry…

Guest Blogger: What I learned a month after leaving youth ministry
Thanks to Gerrard Fess of Deep Thoughts by Gman for writing this guest post for Life In Student Ministry!
Top 10 things to know a month after being a post-youth…

Q&A: The strain youth ministry has on my family
I sometimes post the youth ministry questions readers submit, with permission, of course. Figured I’d turn it into a regular series starting today. Please…

Time Out: Who is your “Paul?”
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Howard Hendricks says that everyone needs a Paul, a Barnabas and a Timothy in their life. A “Paul” is someone who is…