Time Out: Yes, youth pastors are REAL pastors
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Some may think that youth pastors are not real pastors, but that definitely is not the case. A youth pastor is every bit as much a…

Freebie Friday #84: Worship music mp3 download with chord chart
Russell Martin is the worship director at my father-in-law’s church and has a heart for resourcing worship leaders online in ways similar to what I do…

Skypecasts switching to Talkshoe: user-friendly and telephone access
This Friday we’re scheduled to resume our weekly Skypecast conversation at 2:00 PM EST, but due to all the technical difficulties I’ve decided to…

Win a FREE 1-year subscription to TheParentLink.com!
TheParentLink.com gave me a one-year free subscription to give away to a Life In Student Ministry reader, a $99 value! They’ve been a huge part of my…

What I appreciate about my wife
Last week Dana and I celebrated our 2-year wedding anniversary! We were on vacation at a resort in Oklahoma with her family, but after a day on her…

Responsibility ideas to assign to teenagers on a missions trip
Make students an important part of the missions trip team by assigning responsibilities. Here are some ideas.

Time Out: What if I’m not Billy Graham?
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Everyone is required to share the good news of Jesus with those they come in contact with, but some seem to be much better at it…

Freebie Friday #83: Youth ministry internship packet
I really hope I’m not violating someone’s copyrighted material here, but I honestly cannot figure out where I got these documents from nor can I…

Where I connect with other youth workers online
I love interacting with youth workers online! I’m often challenged with new perspectives, the stories of how God’s working through other people…

Top 5 summer youth events that cost under $5 total
Have a small budget and need ideas for cheap, yet fun, youth events? Check these out.