
Veteran Youth Ministry Advice: It’s a relationship, not a business

The following post is contributed by Brian Ford. Read the entire “Veteran advice for new youth workers” series.
No red flags were waved, no sirens…

read Read Time: 4 Minutes

Video post: Sunday NYWC recap with Connor Murphy

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watch Read Time: 0 Minutes

Time Out: The Lord gives and the Lord takes away (Job)

Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Job. Just that one word says it all. The pain, the misery, the victory – all wrapped up in the name Job. Job lost more than most…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

Video post: Reflections on NYWC with Connor Murphy

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watch Read Time: 0 Minutes

Freebie Friday #94: Ministry Mutiny discussion guide

Several weeks ago I told you all about a book every youth worker must read: Ministry Mutiny, by Greg Stier. You will find that Greg lays out all the struggles…

grab Read Time: 1 Minute

Veteran advice for new youth workers: Cast vision

A series written by some members of the Youth Ministry Mentorship Team here at Life In Student Ministry. Their advice to new youth workers.

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

YouthBytes: A solid video curriculum for youth group

When I first heard about I thought, “Oh no, not another video curriculum of shallow content and lame production. The youth ministry video…

read Listen Time: 23 Minutes

What youth workers needs from their youth pastor

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watch Read Time: 0 Minutes

Time Out: Persevering for 120 years (Noah)

Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
What’s the longest you had to persevere at any one thing? A week, several months? Perhaps even a few years? Noah holds what…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

Podcast: Effects of extra-curricular activities on youth ministry

Yesterday in our LIVE Youth Ministry Conversation Brian Ford let a very good discussion on why teenagers often make youth group as their last priority…

listen Listen Time: 61 Minutes