
Observations about NYWC speakers and participants

Topic / Training

Today went much better than yesterday. Even though we only had a couple hours of sleep, that seemed to make a huge difference and allowed us to enjoy the convention so much more. Everything is going well and smoothly, we’re all learning a lot, and appreciating all the other youth workers around us. It’s always refreshing to be reminded that we’re part of a mark larger body of Christ in youth ministry than just what we see at church each week.

Since today has obviously been a long day and there’s another one coming tomorrow, I’m just gonna hit some highlights and go to bed.

— Attended Walt Mueller’s workshop on how marketing is shaping youth culture. Pretty interesting. Nothing too new to me since I keep up with the materials his ministry produces anyway, but still worth my time.

— Walked out on Mike King’s workshop on nurturing a presence-centered youth ministry because, from what I could tell, he hardly addressed the issue at all. What he did have to say on the matter could’ve been summarized into one or two sentences. Oh well.

— Enjoyed an insightful debriefing/discussion time with the youth staff over dinner. (I’ll post some points of our discussion at a later time.)

— Tonight we hung out with Bill Scott, a friend of mine who’s house we’re all staying at the for the weekend. We sat in on part of his radio show, ZJam, and then took a brief tour of the new office building.

Two things I observed today:
1. Why is it that almost every seminar speaker feels a need to give us “fill in the blank” notes? It almost feels like it’s an insult against our intelligence or something. Last time I checked, our church’s bulletin included a sermon outline like this for the little kids. I mean, it gives us something to do while we sit there and maybe some feel a sense of accomplishment when it’s complete, but seriously, is this the best idea everyone has for providing “interactive” notes? I’d rather just have a straight-forward outline with lots of white space for my own thoughts rather than a dinky, “Write what I say in the following blanks.”

2. Worship was great again tonight. The David Crowder Band does an excellent job of creating an environment that’s fun and light-hearted in worship. Tonight, however, the other youth workers around me kinda ruined the moment that I was experiencing. David Crowder had finished the set and was leaving the stage. Everyone was cheering and screaming, asking for one more song. That part is fine with me, but why did they start chanting, “David Crowder?” Why weren’t they chanting, “Jesus Christ?” Why was the focus instantly on David and not on what we were singing about just seconds before? I hate to be cynical, but it makes me wonder who everyone was really worshiping. I mean, I know we were all worshiping God and everyone really just wanted David Crowder to continue leading us, but still… That’s the affect it had on me, anyway.

Guy sculpting an image of Jesus during worship.

David Crowder leading worship.

Since Marko is linking to my blog for the duration of the convention, I thought I’d include a picture of his ever-so-stunning handsome self. ;)

This picture of Toby Mac just cracks me up. lol

Toby Mac in concert.

Toby doin’ something that looks like a chicken dance.

Toby Mac, again.

Hangin’ out in the studio with Bill Scott for ZJam’s live broadcast.

The Redeemer CREW volunteers chillin’ in the radio studio.

Myself with Bill Scott.

Posted on November 20, 2005

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