
Now login to with your Facebook/Twitter account

Facebook and Twitter integration with MinistryQuestions.comAfter a lot of hard work, we’re proud to announce that users can now login to using their Facebook or Twitter accounts. This means new users no longer have to take the time to register an account with the site — they can jump in and start participating on their very first visit. Awesome!

A couple things to note:

  1. Questions and answers posted through a Facebook or Twitter account are not posted to the user’s Facebook or Twitter profiles.
  2. If you currently have a account, it is not possible to merge your existing account’s data with a new Facebook or Twitter login account.

What’s next?

1. As this site continues to grow, we want to continue to support it and keep it under ongoing development as long as the funds are available (usually spare change from LISM). The next feature we’re working on is the ability for question owners to receive an email notification to rate a “Best Answer” after the question closes. That’s been a common sense feature we’ve needed for a while. Stay tuned for that development.

2. Also, I’m playing with the idea of a semi-regular “Ministry Questions LIVE YM Talk” show where other youth workers and myself take the time to talk through some of the questions that are submitted to the site. Details about the show are still a bit sketchy, so if you have any ideas or feedback, please leave them in the comments below.

Remember to use the Feedback Forum (i.e. the Feedback tab located to the far right at to give us your suggestions for updates and feature requests for You can vote on other people’s suggestions there, too.

Keep up with the latest questions

As ministry workers ask their questions, they rely on people like you to pitch in with answers. There’s a couple easy ways to keep up with the latest questions that are posted to the site.

We’re working on putting together a weekly email digest that contains all the latest questions, too, but that will cost us about $30/month for an email service that will do it right, so we’re holding off on that for now.

If you’re not already a user of, check it out! Here’s a brief video that explains what the site is all about and how it works.

With over 1,100 questions asked and almost 650 users, thank you everyone for making this the greatest online community of ministry workers possible! Thanks for investing into each other’s ministries with all the great ideas, wisdom, support and advice. You guys rock!

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Posted on November 9, 2009

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