
New parenting video series from Jonathan McKee

Topic / Videos

Over the past several months I’ve had the privilege of working with Jonathan McKee to produce a video series for his new website, It’s been a lot of fun to create the intro, outro, and animations in this series as well as do the general editing of the videos he shoots.

The concept of the series is quite simple. They’re asking teenagers, “What advice would you give to your parents if you knew they would actually listen?”

Jonathan and other parenting authors take the answers and discuss them for parents in a quick YouTube video. The video series, “R U Listening?”, is great place to hear a teenage perspective on parenting from guys who actually know what they’re talking about.

Check out this little “R U Listening?” trailer as a preview of what the video series is all about.

This could be a great resource not only to follow yourself, but also to share with youth group parents in email updates and Facebook. The more tools you have to equip them the better, right?

Check out “R U Listening?” on YouTube!

Posted on February 28, 2012

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