
A neglected resource every youth worker needs

Last weekend I met Dan Buschow of Allies Network for breakfast. Allies is a ministry here in the Minneapolis area that helps connect youth pastors together for support, training, encouragement and more.

I’m not sure why this hasn’t dawned on me before, but during the course of our discussion I realized that, while youth ministry is loaded with tons of great printed resources, we haven’t really considered each other as a resource. In some ways, other local youth workers in our area are an even more valuable resource than physical materials, especially during hard times in ministry.

That’s what Dan and I talk about in this video. We also share a vision for what that could look like for us in the greater Minneapolis area and ask for your input about the idea, especially if it spreads to other cities. Watch the video and let us know what you think in the comments below.

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Posted on December 1, 2010

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