
Need your ideas for a new international youth ministry

New ministry IDA good friend of mine, Bill Scott, former President of ZJAM Youth Ministries, is starting a new youth ministry under the American Association of Christian Counselors and needs suggestions for two things.

1. A name for this new ministry. The ministry will feature syndicated talk radio shows for teenagers, state of the art website with videos, radio, Bible study podcasts, online Bible studies, an international crisis hotline, an on-site mentorship campus (outside Nashville, TN), and provide plenty of resources on DVD for parents and youth workers. If you’re familiar with ZJAM, this new ministry will be similar in nature, but expanded on a much bigger scale. National student and youth worker conferences are in the making, as well. What kind of name fits all this?

2. What do youth workers need that isn’t currently provided anywhere else? There’s already several great ministries that offer resources and ideas for youth workers. Bill doesn’t feel it’s necessary to imitate what others are already doing well. He wants to fill a void that’s wide open, something that will help youth workers and parents in ways no one else is.

Post your ideas here. Bill will be checking frequently since he’s on a time crunch for a ministry name. Thanks for your input, everyone!

Posted on March 9, 2007

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