
My “self-appraisal evaluation assesment”

Job evaluationNext week my church does their annual “employee self-appraisal and job assessments.” Even though I’ve only been here a little over two months, it’s that time of year for them so my evaluation interview with the Sr. pastor takes place next week anyway.

I have a self-appraisal evaluation form that I need to fill out beforehand and the very first question makes me stop and think:

Please list, or attach a list of, your significant work accomplishments (in the past twelve months).

Hmm… Kinda goes back to my post about defining success in youth ministry. I have two observations about this question.

1. The way this question is phrased almost assumes a list of tangible programmatic and numeric accomplishments, just like a business model evaluation would reflect. (“How many sales did you make last year?”)

2. How I answer this question reveals a lot about me and my view of ministry.

Posted on April 26, 2007

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