
Leveraging social media for discipleship and evangelism

Two weeks ago I spoke to a group of youth workers at SHAPE Conference, which follows a TED style of short talks with a lot of round-table and group discussion. Each speaker was asked to talk about a question (not necessarily to give answers) for 18 minutes or so and provide questions to spark discussion and further interaction.

I was asked to talk about the question, “How do we leverage online and social media for discipleship and evangelism in student ministry?” The exact description of my talk was this:

We know that 10 years from now the scope of youth ministry will look VERY different. Online and social media will be an even greater force. Thus, how do we leverage online and social media for discipleship and evangelism in student ministry? How do we mobilize social and online media without immobilizing personal interactions?

I’m glad my job was not necessarily to provide answers because that is a tough question to answer! How would you answer it? I’d love to hear in the comments below.

Here’s the video of my talk and how I addressed the question.

Posted on December 7, 2011

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