
KONY 2012 talksheet [Freebie Friday]

Free youth ministry resources every FridayOur Weekly Freebie Friday: #272

In case your Internet’s been disconnected for the past couple weeks, the KONY 2012 video has been spreading like wildfire and currently sits at almost 80 million views in less than two weeks.

It’s an interesting video on a number of different levels, some of which I wrote about on my personal blog at

The video provides a foundation that could launch several different conversations for our youth group. Graham Baldock actually put together a discussion talksheet for a non-Christian setting, but sent it to me so share with you guys so you could take his work and build off it for your groups. You can start with his questions and the direction he provides and move it into scripture on your own.

LinkDownload the KONY 2012 talksheet

Posted on March 16, 2012

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