
Issues in Youth Ministry: Your biggest struggle

What is your biggest struggle in youth ministry?

Based on 102 votes by the general public visiting this blog:

26% – Priorities of teens/parents.
14% – Disconnect between faith and life.
10% – Integrating youth into the church body.
8% – False perceptions of the youth ministry.
7% – Volunteers.
5% – Biblical literacy among students.
5% – Students taking ownership.
5% – Irrelevant church.
5% – Pressure to be entertaining.
4% – Developing student leaders.
4% – Defining ministry and success.
3% – Engaging parents.
2% – Conflict with parents/church.
2% – Retention after graduation.
1% – Addressing sexuality.

Looks like the biggest two issues that’s felt by youth workers are teens and parents treating youth group as a secondary (or lower) priority to other life activities and the apparent disconnect between life and faith that tends to take place (possibly indicative of the priorities). How have you addressed these two issues in your youth ministry and what advice can you share with the rest of us?

[Read previous authors and posts in this series, “Issues in youth ministry.”]

Posted on January 3, 2007

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