It’s true! Hard to believe, but my wife gave birth to our first child, Hannah Love Schmoyer, at 4:44 a.m. last Saturday morning, August 8, 2009! After waiting and waiting for 9 months, she’s finally here, and only a couple hours after her due date.
The contractions started around 1:30 p.m. on Friday, August 7th. Dana and I went to the hospital at 6:30 p.m. where she labored until the delivery, all without an epidural! She was actually planning to get one, but ended up being able to tough it out. (Yeah, my wife is tougher than I’ll ever be!)
Since we didn’t know the baby’s gender until it was born, the boy name would’ve been Ezekiel James Schmoyer (nickname Zeke, of course). Maybe we’ll hold on to it for the next child, who knows.
Dana’s family was in town visiting from Texas for the weekend, so it was fun to have them around to meet their first grandchild, niece and nephew.
Got some pictures of Hannah’s first day of life outside the womb on Facebook and at, along with lots of other pictures of the past couple days with her. I’m sure I’ll also make a highlight video of Hannah’s time in the hospital will probably post it on Facebook and sometime soon. In fact, for the next couple of years I’m sure it’ll be hard to not take tons of pictures and video of this amazing little girl.
Sorry this post is mostly a list of random facts. I’m a bit tired to think cohesively right now. Just please pray for me, Dana and Hannah: for rest, wisdom, patience, health, boundaries, priorities, and most importantly, that Hannah Love will grow to be a godly woman who obeys and follows Jesus more than anything else. Thanks!

Posted on August 10, 2009