
How to hide your big ring of youth group keys

When I became the youth pastor at my church, they handed me a big ring of about 15 keys to doors, rooms and closets all over the church. Being a guy who likes as little in my pockets as possible, I took my office key and left the rest of them in my office. The problem is whenever I’m at church in the evening for something and need those keys, I have to run up to my office, disarm the entire office alarm system, grab the keys, do whatever business I need with them, return them to my office, lock up, and set the alarm again. It’s a pain. So, I’m thinking about following the idea in this video to make a nifty little secret box to hide my keys outside my office somewhere instead. Plus, it just seems fun.

(ht to Lifehacker)

Posted on September 17, 2007

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