
Home from vacation, pictures posted

Tim and Dana on vacationDana and I are home from vacation and ready to get back into a routine. It was nice to visit her family and old friends of ours in Texas, but it’s also nice to be home again. We’re so tired from traveling so much the past couple weeks that it was nice to just sit last night and do nothing. Tonight youth group Bible studies start up at our house twice a week, though, so the break is over. We took about 700 pictures or so over vacation and put 211 of them online. Check out all the fun!

It looks like I was tagged by Chris at to list the first 10 songs that come up on shuffle in iTunes. I normally don’t really do these blog tag things (they remind me of lame email forwards from back in the 90s), but for Chris I figured, why not? Here ya go, Chris, just for you:

1. How deep the father’s love — Skillet
2. Mighty good leader — Audio Adrenaline
3. Now I sing — Out of Eden
4. Drunk in tha spirit — T-Bone
5. My hell — Disciple
6. Pressing on — Relient K
7. Blessed be your name — Tree63
8. Readyfuels — Amberlin
9. Bring it on – Steven Curtis Chapman
10. Violently — The Benjamin Gate

If anyone else wants to do it, consider yourself tagged by me.

Posted on July 11, 2007

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