
Helping teens not give up on sharing Christ with friends [video]

Several months ago Jonathan McKee of sent me a really long Word document and said, “Hey Tim, here’s the transcript for a new evangelism curriculum DVD series I’m doing for Youth Specialties. Check it out and give me your feedback.” I did so and had an opportunity to watch one of the DVD sessions of what is now, “Real Conversations: Sharing your faith without being pushy.”

His evangelism DVD curriculum series will release next month and, in light of that, I asked Jonathan a few questions related to evangelism and youth ministry

  • How can we help kids bring up their faith in day to day conversations?
  • How can we help kids not give up after their first or second attempt to share Christ?
  • Why should we talk about evangelism and how do we get started?

Below is the video of both Jonathan and I giving our thoughts and responses to those questions.

If you see this before April 13, 2012, you can also enter Jonathan’s contest to win a FREE copy of this DVD series! Check out the contest of the Youth Specialties blog.

Posted on April 3, 2012

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