
Help me support this family in Haiti!

My wife and I are super excited to go back to Haiti this October! I’ll be co-leading a team of 18 people to partner with a pastor there and his 6 children plus the 14 orphans he’s adopted since the earthquake. This pastor truly has a remarkable story, some of which I share in the video below.

I’m excited to invite others to join us in partnering with this family in a very simple and basic way that most of us can easily afford.

I’d love it if you took 3 minutes to hear this pastor’s story, a bit of what we’ll be doing to equip this family with food, income, and reducing soil erosion above his church, all with 500 fruit trees.

If $25 sounds like a reasonable gift to support this pastor, please do so here. And thank you so very much!

Posted on August 20, 2012

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