
Great posts to check out (vol 5)

100 blog topics I hope you write
(A lot of people have taken this challenge and posted great articles on youth ministry. Check it out to see what people are saying.)

Dealing with apathy in youth ministry
(How to redeem the “church kid”)

Are you healthy? A 10 point plan for youth leaders
(Some good reminders.)

“Design is Creditability” rough notes
(Some great notes about why your website should be just as much about style and feel as it is about content.)

The Dumbing Down of Youth Ministry
(Agree or disagree, a worthwhile read about one pastor’s perception of youth ministry.)

Ministry Tip from TJOSM
(I never use that word anyway just because of the sexual overtones and to “avoid the appearance of evil,” but I know the cultural connotation is totally different, so it’s totally a personal conviction thing.)

10 ways for youth leaders to hinder the church
(He’s being sarcastic, of course, although his delivery style in the video is a little underwhelming.)

Genesis 1:26-2:3 talk notes
(Dan shares his talk notes about being created in the image of God and being created to rest with God.)

What Sr. Pastors could learn about preaching from Youth Pastors
(Yeah, usually that title is the other way around, but Mike’s points are valid for both sr. pastors and youth pastors.)

Video Games and Culture
(A very short post, but Chuckk is so right! We can’t ignore the influence video games are having on culture and the spiritual stories they create.)

Posted on October 1, 2007

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