Ahh, the time has finally come. In exactly three days from now Dana and I will be married and preparing to leave the alter for the reception. Unfortunately, there’s a ton of things to do before then. I’ve spent the past couple days ridding my apartment of anything unnecessary in order to make room for her to move in after the honeymoon, running lots of errands, putting together photo slide shows, creating CD compilations for the reception and a long list of other tasks. It’s ridiculous how many other things keep coming to mind that need to be done, too, that aren’t even on the master to-do list. Since I’m leaving for Texarkana tomorrow after lunch (where the wedding will be), everything needs to be finished tonight after youth group and tomorrow morning. Whew… and I haven’t even packed yet!
All through this week I’ve gone through the different phases of feeling nervous, scared, excited, intimidated and back to nervous. I mean, this a HUGE commitment I’m making here! After the wedding there’s no turning back for the rest of our lives. Life as I know it will never be the same. Caring for someone else, putting my needs and desires aside for her’s, providing for her emotionally and spiritually, and taking someone else into consideration in all my decisions, that’s a lot of pressure! I’m so used to living by myself and only being responsible for me. The transition from being self-centered to Dana-centered is one that I desperately want to see happen, but as a depraved human being I’m sure it will only take place smoothly with God’s intervention.
Anyone who wants to keep Dana and I in your prayers is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Posted on July 19, 2006