
Freebie Friday #76: Avoiding mission trip land mines this summer

Free youth ministry resources every FridayBill Allison of Cadre Ministries just released his latest free resource called, “10 Mission Trip Land Mines.” I read over it and plan to use it with my own youth group before we head to Belize in two weeks. Short-term mission trips can definitely leave a lasting impact on both students and the people we travel to reach, but they have the potential to have a very negative impact, as well. Bill Allison says this:

The fact is that there are a lot of mission trip land mines buried just beneath the surface, waiting patiently, for you or someone from your group to make one wrong step. Shouldn’t you know where these land mines are buried so you can avoid stepping on them?

The PDF also contains a checklist to help your team to avoid the land mines and an training session outline to use with your teens.

If your youth group is going on a missions trip this summer, I highly recommend you read this free resource from Bill Allison and Cadre Ministries.

Download “Ten Mission Trip Land Mines”

CONTRIBUTE TO FREEBIE FRIDAY: If you’ve benefited from others who have freely shared their youth ministry resources online, consider giving back to the community by sharing your own materials here. Send me your donations for review and if I publish them in a Freebie Friday, you’ll receive full credit, a link, lots of gratitude and a warm feeling inside that comes from sharing with others.

“Open Mic” Skypecast today

As usual, the Life In Student Ministry Skypecast is today at 1:00 PM central time. It’ll again be an “open mic” time for you to discuss whatever is on your heart and mind concerning youth ministry. If you have questions, stories, issues, ideas, or concerns that you’d like to discuss with other youth workers, bring it to the Skypecast today. I’ll see you there! More Skypecast info here.

Posted on June 6, 2008

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