
Freebie Friday #32: Communicating with teenagers seminar for parents

WingClips.comThis week’s Freebie Friday is graciously provided by Brett Hetherington. Thanks, Brett! If you love his material as much as I do, be sure to check out his site and send him a great big thank you. Here’s his summary:

What is adolescence, why does it happen, and how long will it last? The Communicating With Teenagers seminar is designed to educate and inform adults (both parents and volunteer leaders or both if you have parents who are leaders and vice-versa) about some of the underlying causes and conditions of adolescence. What makes teens think the way they do? Why do teens feel that they know best? What can we do to be better shepherds in their lives?

Brett HetheringtonIncluded in this set:

  • Script and Handout in WORD format
  • Script and Answer Key in PDF format
  • PowerPoint Presentation (Incomplete. You can easily create the rest to be specific for your audience.)

Zip iconDownload “Communicating with Teenagers”

CONTRIBUTE TO FREEBIE FRIDAY: If you’ve benefited from others who have freely shared their youth ministry resources online, consider giving back to the community by sharing your own materials here. Send me your donations for review and if I publish them in a Freebie Friday, you’ll receive full credit, a link, lots of gratitude and a warm feeling inside that comes from sharing with others.

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Posted on August 3, 2007

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