
Freebie Friday #28: “Why Encourage” lesson with PowerPoint

Why Encourage lesson with PowerPointOnce again, I dug through the archives on my computer to find something to give away this week and came up with this old lesson titled, “Why Encourage.” It covers four reasons from scripture why we should encourage each other and be careful to use our language to build others up. It has several personal illustrations and examples from my own life, so you’ll need to edit both the lesson and the PowerPoint slide show in order to make it work for you (or just pretend to be me).



CONTRIBUTE TO FREEBIE FRIDAY: If you’ve benefited from others who have freely shared their youth ministry resources online, consider giving back to the community by sharing your own materials here. Send me your donations for review and if I publish them in a Freebie Friday, you’ll receive full credit, a link, lots of gratitude and a warm feeling inside that comes from sharing with others.

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Posted on July 6, 2007

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