
Freebie Friday #164: Lesson series, “Is Christianity really the only way to God?”

Free youth ministry resources every FridayBrett Hetherington has contributed more to our Freebie Fridays over the past couple years than anyone else. The best part is, his stuff is always quality material. Besides serving as one of the Youth Ministry Mentors, he’s contributed eight other youth teaching series’ and resources here in the past, and today’s series is no different. Visit his site and let him know how much you appreciate his generosity in equipping your ministry with great resources time and time again!

This question is a very basic one that many of us hear all the time. Often it comes with a condescending attitude or a disbelieving scoff. Many times we assume things that other people believe without asking them.

FAITH: is a series aimed at teaching what some of the basics of a handful of other world faith systems believe. But even deeper than that, it will help Christians understand how we should respond to and interact with others who believe differently than we do.

Included in this series you will find:

  • WORD and PDF Lesson Masters
  • WORD and PDF Student Handouts
  • Lesson PowerPoints
  • PDF versions of Lesson PowerPoints
  • FAITH: Images
  • WMV and Quicktime Series Bumps
  • WMV and Quictime Editable Series advertising video
  • PUB and JPEG Lesson Images
  • 7 Fonts used in PowerPoints
  • WMV and Quicktime interviews with Tina, a former Jehovah’s Witness

I used this series in early 2010. In an effort to help our students retain the most from this series, we established pages on our church website with most of this information for download, and streaming videos of each lesson in full, as well as smaller, topic-centered videos for each lesson. These pages can be accessed by visiting our site.

[ Download the series, “Is Christianity really the only way to God?” ]

There is no LIVE YM Talk this Monday due to being in Haiti right now. Join us for LIVE YM Talk next Monday, February 15 for a conversation with Tic Long and “The future of Youth Specialties and a Q&A time.” We’d love to have you join us! The live conversation starts at 2:00 PM eastern time! See our LIVE YM Talk page for details.

Posted on February 11, 2010

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