
Freebie Friday #114: eBay PowerPoint game

Free youth ministry resources every FridayAdam Wormann, an old friend who graduated from the youth ministry program at Philadelphia Biblical University with me, sent me today’s Freebie Friday to share with you.

Based on a segment from Jay Leno, the eBay game is where you show a picture of a random item for sale on Ebay. The PowerPoint linked below contains various obscure pictures of items that were sold and the Word document contains information about that auction, including the number of bids and final sale price. You can have players:

  • Guess the final sale price (within certain percent)
  • Guess the number of bids (within a certain number)
  • Give a price/number of bids and play “higher or lower”
  • Give points to whoever gets closest
  • Be creative and come up with something else!

All of these items were actually on eBay and really sold as indicated.

Word documentDownload eBay game details

PowerPoint documentDownload eBay PowerPoint game

There is NO LIVE YM Talk this afternoon. We’re scheduled for next week, though, March 6, 2009, for 2:00 PM as usual. Talk with you all then!

Posted on February 26, 2009

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