
Free Youth Ministry Resources

This is a collection of free youth ministry resources I’ve written and collected that may be beneficial for you. Feel free to use these materials for your ministry, but I ask that you not redistribute without my permission.

130 Youth Ministry Tips & Ideas

PDF IconSize: 732k | Pages: 31 | Format: PDF | Download |

This ebook, titled, 130 Youth Ministry Tips & Ideas, is based on the past two years of blogging here at Life In Student Ministry. It is geared toward volunteers who are leading their church’s youth ministry and new youth pastors. More information on this ebook can be found here.

Principles for Confrontation

PDF IconSize: 41k | Pages: 3 | Format: PDF | Download |

No one enjoys confrontation. This document contains some Biblical principles I researched for making it as loving and effective as possible.

Steps for a successful beginning in youth ministry

PDF IconSize: 29k | Pages: 3 | Format: PDF | Download |

Used with permission from the author, Ann Pursche. She’s written an excellent document for those who are new to youth ministry and are just starting out in a church ministry position. Her steps are helpful reminders for veteran youth workers, as well.

30-Hour Famine “How to Study the Bible” Lessons

PDF IconSize: various | Pages: various | Format: PDF |

I wrote this curriculum for our 30-Hour Famine event in 2005. The theme was “Feeding on God’s Word,” using our hunger as an example of the hunger we should have for God and scripture. I realized I do a lot of teaching and “pre-chew” God’s Word for them, so I used this event as an opportunity to teach them how to study the Bible and “chew God’s Word” for themselves. The following links are the lessons I wrote for this purpose in a format for small groups.

Adult Volunteer Application Packet

PDF IconSize: 560k | Pages: 28 | Format: PDF | Download
— Welcome letter
— How to know if God is leading you toward youth ministry
— What to expect from other youth staff
— Our philosophy of youth ministry
— Our vision for youth ministry
— Expectations of volunteer staff
— Staff boundaries with students
— Character qualities of adult volunteers
— What students need from staff
— Areas of ministry for involvement
— Staff Application
— Reference forms
— Prayer support team sheet
— Commitment form

Bi-Annual Medical Release/Parent Consent Form

PDF IconSize: 116k | Pages: 2 | Format: PDF | Download

It’s a real hassle sometimes to make sure every student has a permission slip from their parents for every single event. So, we put together this bi-annual medical release and parent consent form instead.

Small Group Leadership Training

PDF IconSize: various | Pages: various | Format: PDF

I put this curriculum together from various sources and use it annually to train and refresh the adult volunteers on small group ministry. It also includes all the forms we use to for communication in our small groups.

Small Group Leadership Forms
Start-Up Timeline
Apprentice Responsibilities
Apprentice Planner
We want our group to be…
Meeting Planner
Post-meeting Summary
Touching Base
Leadership Feedback and Development
Planning for Life Change
Shepherding Plan for Making Disciples

Small Group Leadership Training Notes
Part 1: Small Group Philosophy
Part 2: The Making of a Leader
Part 3: Developing Apprentice Leaders
Part 4: Group Life
Part 5: Conducting Meetings
Part 6: Shepherding Members
Part 7: Multiplying Your Ministry

Small Group Leadership Training PowerPoints
Part 1: Small Group Philosophy
Part 2: The Making of a Leader
Part 3: Developing Apprentice Leaders
Part 4: Group Life
Part 5: Conducting Meetings
Part 6: Shepherding Members
Part 7: Multiplying Your Ministry

The Christmas Caper

PDF IconSize: 70k | Pages: 5 | Format: PDF | Download

This is the script for a “Who done it” dramatization written by a friend of mine. Students split up into teams and are taken to different locations around town to watch the mystery unfold: Did grandma get run over by a reindeer? All teams gather together at the end to present their solution to the mystery and enjoy hot cider and refreshments.

The Skit Guys – The Chair

Movie iconSteaming Video| Length: 16:07 | Format: Flash | View at Google Video

At the NYWC in 2005 The Skit Guys gave out a DVD to youth workers of their “thank-you skit” to everyone who pours their hearts and time into students. They said we should feel free to copy and distribute it with other youth workers and use it in any ministry opportunity we want. So, I felt compelled to take them up on the offer and ripped the skit to Google Video for fellow youth workers to enjoy and be encouraged.

Hip-hop freestyle game

Audio iconSize: 14.1 MB| Length: 14:59 | Format: MP3 |

1. Download     

I got this idea from and made the rap music bed for the game.

Split youth up in teams and have them write a song or rap to the instrumental track. Give them at least 15 minutes, then have each team perfom in front of the audience. Award a prize for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.

For the rap music bed, I took the intro from an old Tonex song called Out of the Box and just looped it. Download the mp3 from the link above and have fun!

Spiritual Dryness Questions

PDF IconSize: various | Pages: 1 | Format: PDF
When I was in Bible college a visiting missionary provided the handout, Ten Questions to ask when your spiritual life is dull and dry. It’s greatly influenced my personal walk with Christ over the years. The second document, Quiet Time: How it works, is a sheet I sometimes use with students who express a desire to spend time with God but don’t know where to start. It gives them a starting point as long as they remember that this is about developing a relationship, not going through a form every day.

Ten questions to ask when your spiritual life is dull and dry
Quiet Time: How it works

Generation YouTube

PDF IconSize: 174K | Pages: 35 | Format: PDF | Download
“Harnessing The Power of Internet Video for Youth Ministry.”
By Dennis Poulette
An excellent overview of Internet video in youth culture and a tutorial focusing on the use of Internet video for youth workers.

Links to free stuff online’s free resources
Free salvation presentation in Flash format

Freebie Friday and Ministry Resources Blog Archive

last updated: 09/27/06

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Focused Youth Ministry ebook

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Focused Youth Ministry

This practical "how to" ebook will walk you through a 30-step process to discovering God's vision for your unique ministry context. The process also shows you how to implement that vision and put metrics in place to evaluate what is moving the vision forward and what isn't.

Price: $12.95 Limited time: $1.99
