
Free video of Lost Coin parable and discussion guide [Freebie Friday]

Free youth ministry resources every FridayOur Weekly Freebie Friday: #236

This summer our church is going through the parables of Jesus and, since I teach the junior/senior high sunday school class, it seemed appropriate for our class to follow suit. I know there’s several different parable video series’ out there, but the one I landed on is 36 Parables.

Basically, it’s a series of short-film videos that retell the parables in a contemporary setting. The videos are very professional, engaging, and tell the stories well in a 5-12 minute time-frame. They’re also accompanied with a discussion guide that I appreciate because the outlines are very flexible, provide a lot of helpful cultural background to each parable, and offer some good, insightful questions. I also appreciate that it seems to be the perfect balance for making our combined junior/senior high sunday school class engaging for both age groups together.

You can watch all of their videos for free on their website at, but you can also download a free copy of their video, “Found,” which is based on the parable of the Lost Coin in Luke 15: 8-10, and you can also grab the free discussion guide to go along with it. Look for the download links in the upper-right corner of the site.

LinkDownload “Found” video and discussion guide

Posted on July 8, 2011

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