Our Weekly Freebie Friday: #235
YM360 is giving away 3 devotions titled, “Connecting With What God Is Doing,” and they describe it like this:
Being on mission with God is the call of all Christ-followers. Yet, God can’t use us if we’re not plugged-in to what He’s doing.
This free series of 3 devotions is a simple, straightforward reminder to students that staying plugged-in to God is key to being on mission with God. What is God’s mission? To meet the physical and spiritual needs of the world. But we can’t be on mission with God unless our heart is in the right place. These short devotions will help your students do just that.
Following are the purpose statements from each of the three devotions:
- Devotion 1: The purpose of this devotion is to both get you thinking about how sin can really hurt your closeness with God, and to help you think about any sin in your life that you’re not addressing.
- Devotion 2: The purpose of this devotion will lead you to look outward, to see if you are fulfilling Christ’s call to use your life to meet the needs of the less fortunate.
- Devotion 3: The purpose of this devotion is to help you understand that love is the key to connecting us to both God and to what He is doing in our world today.
Download the 3 devos on, “Connecting With What God Is Doing”
Posted on July 1, 2011