
Four Unlikely Evangelists: Youth group lessons [Freebie Friday]

Free youth ministry resources every FridayOur Weekly Freebie Friday: #295

In 2007 I heard Craig Groeschel of share a message titled, “Blessed to Share His Story.” In it he outlines 4 unlikely evangelists, people who you would never expect could share Christ with someone, yet they did. If any of your students feel insecure about sharing their faith, there’s a lot they can learn from these four unlikely evangelists in scripture:

  1. The Samaritan woman
  2. A guy born blind
  3. Dorcas
  4. Peter

I re-worked his message for my youth group and am happy to share my youth group lessons outline and the PowerPoint presentation with all of you.

The lesson contains several personal stories, which you’ll obviously want to substitute for stories of your own.

The download includes the Word doc of my notes, the PowerPoint presentation, and the Photoshop file of the image I used for the PowerPoint presentation in case you want to modify it at all.

LinkDownload, “Blessed to Share Christ,” youth group edition

Posted on August 24, 2012

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