
Favorite Youth Group Games: Capture the Flag Pole

Youth group gamesIndoor or Outdoor Game; Sr. High Only; 20 or more kids

While I would never recommend the TV show MXC (Most Extreme Challenge) to anyone due to the dialog’s sexual overtones, I happened to see this on TV and thought it would make a great youth group game. Rather than explaining it, just watch this video clip I put together:

We played this tonight at Sr. High youth group and it was a blast! I bought two 10 foot poles of PVC for a couple bucks each, which worked okay except that some of our taller guys could easily jump and snag the flag without too much difficulty, so I’d recommend using a pole that’s closer to 15 feet tall. Also make sure you have everyone take off their shoes and jewelry before playing.

SUBMIT YOUR GAME: If you have a favorite youth group game, tell me about it. If I publish it, you’ll receive full credit, a link, lots of gratitude and a warm feeling inside that comes from sharing with others.

Posted on November 18, 2007

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