
Freebie Friday 216: Five free devos on holiness

Free youth ministry resources every FridayThis week’s Freebie Friday comes from the guys at YouthMinistry360. They’re giving away 5 free devotionals on what it means to be holy.

Here’s how Andy of YM360 describes it:

Holy and holiness are words teenagers hear tossed around a lot at Church. But do they really understand what it means when they hear that “God is holy”? More so, do they understand Scripture’s call to live holy lives?

This free series of 5 devotions from youthministry360 defines for students what holiness means. But it doesn’t stop there. These devotions help students understand that they are made holy in God’s eyes by the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. But there is still more! These devotions also teach students the undeniable call of Scripture to live holy lives, empowered by the Spirit and making a difference in the world for Christ’s sake.

LinkDownload the free, “Separated For God,” devos

Posted on February 18, 2011

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